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Raining Rocks

The bombardment commenced around noon, abounding prophecies of doom and gloom, end of the world's come too soon, gravities hold released on the moon, with such ferocious force, knocking our axis off course, little sign of remorse, as the moon got a divorce, well, the water didn't like that! in fact, it tried to run, back up the tap, so now our oceans don't flow, nor do the winds blow, to get there you have to row. The trails that burned in the sky, follow that to where 1000's die, and still it did not cease, Asteroids like flock of Geese, with a cosmic thudder and a seismic shudder, france was gone, while Spain's hanging on, brand new wound in Earth's crust, thanks to a belt of stardust, the sea bed parted with a crack, Wow, it was an Almighty whack, Tsunami's and chaos all around, all the poor souls who would've drowned, such tremendous fury unleashed that day, when Apophis got in our way! ©John-Ovan.P.Hull

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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