Rain Dance
Darken cloud heavy
Full of rain,
Rain flooding the roads,
Flooding the streets,
Water running playing a
Rain dance song,
Keeping its rhythem
Against my window pane
Sounding like a drum,
Wind whistling
Trees dancing in step
With the beat,
The tall blue grass swaying
As the rain band played
His song,
The sea shore played
Rushing waves upon the
Keeping in tune as the
Drummer play,
The rain band play for
Hours on end...
Thick dark shadows
Cast silhouettes
Doing the boogie lou..
Enjoying this great party
Jamming in the sky,
All the clouds are here
Staying with the beat!
Rain, rain the cloud shadow
Lets party way on over
Into the night...
I'm having such a good
I hate to stop my trend..
The lightning is awsome
Throwing out his light
Striking through the
The thunder did roar
Loud on time..
Poppin fingers,whipping
Around the tree branches
Taking the show..
Lets jam jam jam
Keep this party rolling
Rolling "til"tomorrow
Copyright © Carolyn Sears | Year Posted 2006
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