Radiant Sunset
The fiery sun was a radiant circle
in the majestic sky.
As it started to dip
beneath the watermark,
an amber blush decorated
the evening sea.
Golden hues
started dancing on the ocean surface
turning the water into
a sparkling mirror.
An illuminated path
of tinted red and orange streaks
oscillated across the shades
of azure water.
Rhythmic foamy waves
were caressing and kissing the shoreline constantly.
Crisp sounds of the rustling palm trees
and loud squawking of Seagulls
added amusement to
the ocean’s own symphony.
Flocks of pelicans
were heading back home
in V-formations.
With the salty ocean breezes,
the warmth of the blazing spectacular canvas brought
immense gratitude.
Copyright © Smita Kulkarni | Year Posted 2023
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