Questions For a Terrorist
Tell me why it is with your smile that you lie,
Are you some latter day Judas bestowing terror?
So that the innocent and unconcerned may die
To kill and maim with your traitors kiss. Forever
Reviled in good men and women’s eyes
Or is it just that, caring not for your legacy of grief
Your mind and soul are separated, kept apart
Isolated by the desires of your flesh from true belief
By the skin and sinew of your earthly heart?
Desperate to gain your Heavenly prize
If so, then from me and my kind you will get no succour.
No benediction, no understanding and no relief.
And do beware the promises of false Gods for
They will steal your soul like a spectral thief
And each will find them out but when he dies
Copyright © Mike Youds | Year Posted 2007
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