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Shouldn't the right thing be done No matter whose ox is gored? Can I take this bull by the horn And not get mauled? How will I let this be And endure the knowledge of it? Won't I drown in regret's sea Inprisoned for life by guilt? *Ogbara nkiti Okweghi ekwe? Won't it be a pity To embrace fear? Why will I be a coward? And back down When men are scared Of truth's reputation? *Ogbara nkiti, okweghi ekwe? -Igbo proverb meaning 'Is silence not consent?'

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 11/27/2013 1:48:00 AM
Alozor, Thank you for spreading and sharing your kindness. I am very grateful and thankful to all who have been supportive of me one way or another. Your heartfelt words are the main attraction of who you are… Thanks for your inspiring visit. ----- Happy Thanksgiving ~ LINDA
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Michael Ikechukwu Avatar
Alozor Michael Ikechukwu
Date: 1/1/2014 5:41:00 AM
Thanks Linda. I am learning a lot from you.
Date: 9/12/2013 11:54:00 AM
Alozor.....i feel this fine write! if people remain silent as our gov't "USA" commits atrocities and removes our freedoms.....well..... we will deserve it.....
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Michael Ikechukwu Avatar
Alozor Michael Ikechukwu
Date: 9/12/2013 12:35:00 PM
You can say that again dear friend. Thanks for stopping by.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry