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Quality Control

QUALITY CONTROL Visions of scientists in white coats, with glass jars Scraping layers of paint off new cars Or women with heavy blackframed glasses Weighing the sugar content of two sweetened masses Or testing the strength of steel cables to breaking point (Same approach to the patience of the menfolk in the joint) But equally when your neighbor puts down his banjo For out to the backyard lightning-still he’s gonna go Check to see the alcohol content is always the same And put a match to a spoonful and watch the flame. Or when the gas station guy changes a tire, and you arrive Late, you kick the tire before you drive. Quality control can be done with lens and vial; But equally it can be done bronco-style.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 12/5/2011 8:59:00 PM
yeehaw then (am just gettin' started)
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Date: 12/3/2011 2:16:00 PM
Hey, the first guy is me. I am an automotive paint chemist for BASF.
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