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Pyramid Scheme Great Reward

If this here deep inside the depth of the Great Pyramid was in fact meant to be A burial chamber for the felled Pharaoh King himself To ascent and assimilate his procession and onward journey into the afterlife And this his marble granite sarcophagus Then pray let me me in silent contemplation for a given time inside reside and lay in waiting if only just for him And listen out for the echo sounds rebounding back to and from the afterlife Regaling tales of enlightenment the such as like What indeed a star does actually sounds like Or how long we are supposed to be dead before we are born again If in fact we are to be at all or secrets Orion keeps hidden underneath his belt Or if he actually has 3 sisters Or why on earth was he himself indeed deemed to be birthed and born as a King Yet I and countless serfs where meant to kneel before his feet And most pressing of all Do we who's manual labor sweat and toil both needed and used In order to construct this monument and so to apply it's manifest Eventually get some great reward for doing so ourselves Grace a tomb entwined with walls endowed with multi colored dispensary by the greatest artists of the day And an infinite supply of all earthly worldly good's and treasure to accompany me More gold than Midas himself had at his disposal to mine or anything other than I was able to own let alone dare wish ever possess Or are we so too as well too be ignored and passed over in the afterlife as in this life too

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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