What is life ? some say life is a puzzle and I ask is it one we will ever complete?
Huh? Tell me will the puzzle ever be complete because I know and you know you can't just go in a store and buy the pieces in a box all pretty and neat.
For these pieces people compete they don't just open a box and pour the pieces on a table and sit in a seat while munching on sweet treats!
They walk roads nebulous and rocky until they get blisters on their feet
Rent has to be paid two jobs three kids and they still have to eat!
They try to keep their minds neat even though their knee deep and bound
For defeat they continue to dig deep.
The pieces for this puzzle isn't cheap! Some pieces you throw away some
Pieces you keep but some pieces you hold in your hand and contemplate
Without sleep! Some pieces might cut you inside and the wounds are
Root deep.
I saw my mother bleeding I held her face and said you need sleep she
Said you know son that's the only time everything seems complete!
She dropped some tears and walked away it reminded me of a rainy
Day I grabbed her and said everything is going to be ok she said I know
The Lord is going to make a way but we just get emotional when he takes
Away so we break away those pieces he hides and temporarily takes-away!
We try to regain it because of our thirst it makes it worst instead of
Our power we should make his first.
What is life? Some say a puzzle and it is complete all we have to do
Is keep it neat but because of the devils deception we suffer blindness
And defeat . Let The Lord complete your puzzle you just keep it neat.
Put aside your footsteps and let The Lord plant his feet don't walk
Ahead but walk with in his trail and you will never fail on the road to
Victory you will sail and when you fall don't cry to hard you
Might drown his voice instead give praise and rejoice and he will guide
Your choice.
At the end your puzzle will be complete so hard so easy so soft so bitter sweet
But with The Lord you can keep it neat.
By: Elliott Bowe aka the DrUnKeN PoEt
Copyright © Elliott Bowe The Drunken Poet | Year Posted 2013
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