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Purgatory Is a Poem

"Purgatory is a Poem"
Words are the pieces in a game we play shadow and light hidden from day poets are nocturnal in nature, stasis, keen and hungry listening to Forever stuck between the doors to Past, Now and Never - senses feral and hunting, haunting their prey, but they are mortal dreaming immortal - what they really feed on is swallowing Light by day, fresh thoughts, slowly shucked lush like a fleshy oyster jewels from the See holy or unholy, then damned with dismay, before lips are dreamt of, kissed hungrily - salty you toss aside the "once were there", alone my poet you turn towards the reflected words in the mirrors of Others, hirsute hearts boiling and frumptious - then turning towards solitary, you walk up the stairs Eyes close to dream. They are all just naked souls in briny ocean veins pumping loud in their quietness they bleed - Life remains somewhere far away in the wake of another's day in the wake of another's dreams bed ends your day again the lights are turned off you look at your clock 3:33 and you are absent once more from me Words are the pieces in a game we play Hear all the ghosts of a place past whisper your name, silently you call them in, they are smitten and tame In third person you’re seeking Modigliani feverish for Rome, When what he wets his brush with is not cadmium ochre yellow nor burnt sienna sliding under Purgatorio sheets warm with bound wrists tied tight together with soft leather an unknown enters your story What he wets his brush with could call you Home (Ladylabyrinth/2019)
“Rome is not outside me, but inside me.. Her feverish sweetness, her tragic countryside, her own beauty and harmony, all these are mine, for my thought and my work.” Modigliani Zero 7 - "Home"
Amedeo Modigliani "Nu couché", 1917–18. Purgatory. Purgatorio. Scrying. Lyrics. Zero 7 "Home".

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 11/3/2019 4:13:00 PM
I absolutely love this side of you...your thoughts bring perspective, depth, and vision... loveliness L
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Date: 4/2/2019 2:18:00 PM
Hello lady Labyrinth, so nice to meet you. I like the way you describe the poet. have a nice day my friend.
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 5/1/2019 11:17:00 PM
Thank you Lady De Beaulieu.
Date: 3/16/2019 7:57:00 AM
A true wand you wield on paper...Enjoyed...
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/16/2019 8:35:00 AM
...sometimes, magic. sometimes, not. thank you Arturo. L
Date: 3/16/2019 3:46:00 AM
"I want to be a tuneswept fiddle string that feels the master melody, and snaps". Amedeo Modigliani
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Date: 3/16/2019 3:45:00 AM
"Happiness is an angel with a serious face". Amedeo Modigliani
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Date: 3/16/2019 3:44:00 AM
"With one eye you are looking at the outside world, while with the other you are looking within yourself". Amedeo Modigliani
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Date: 3/16/2019 3:43:00 AM
“When I know your soul, I will paint your eyes”. Amedeo Modigliani
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Date: 3/16/2019 3:42:00 AM
“It is your duty in life to save your dream.” Amedeo Modigliani
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry