Pure Honesty
What’s needed now is pure honesty.
Transparency, please transparency.
What good is there in an illusion?
It will lead to a false conclusion.
Must I inquire of you like a sleuth?
To ever hope to receive the truth.
Even a near truth is still a lie.
A change is needed before we die.
Keeping secrets from one another,
Leads to conflicts when they discover,
The things you’ve said, were only half true,
And they realize they can’t trust you.
It takes great effort, once you’ve misled,
More times than not the friendship is dead.
It will take hard work to overcome,
The lack of trust you have in someone.
Forgive one another of the past.
Make a pledge this time it will last.
Always be honest in what you say,
Using pure honesty is the best way.
Copyright © Bill Baker | Year Posted 2023
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