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Psalm 119 Revelation Happy Sunday Praise

I Psalm 119 is a Sabbath praise song (Judaism). It is so for me, too, though I'm a Christ - follower, saved by Jesus Christ. This Psalm or song, about a thousand years in use before Jesus walked on earth, is 176 verses long, and it's 22 sections (divisions) parallel the letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Each verse celebrates God's way II I'm getting to the revelation i had by grace in meditating Ps.119. We, Jesus The Christ- followers, look back with the Cross at CENTER. We say & think we only do good because of Jesus/Yeshua who paid with His precious blood for the sins of all humans & for THE CURSE ON THE EARTH because of Adam & Eve's "despising their birthright" (as Esau, Isaac's firstborn?) & giving dominion to satan (Genesis 3). Looking at Ps. 119 from the finished work of Jesus (Calvary), it jars when the Psalmists intimate, "Thy word I love more than gold, my life; it is my meditation all day; forever will I heed thy statutes." Teens may ask, "Really?" We agree with Isaiah and missionary PAUL, that our good deeds & intentions are "filthy rags," & "the good i ought to do, I don't, yet I do the very opposite. O wretched man that I am ..." Yet Paul & Isaiah also asserted, "I can do all things through Christ/God's power." This is the golden mean Christianity models. Now, to Ps.119 Revelation: Although pre-Jesus Christ believers write & think SELF EFFORT & good works to Salvation ... they had hints of Calvary (as in psalms 22, 23, 37,91 &119) that grace (CHESED, God's loving kindness, Mercy) is what qualifies us. Compare King Saul, & successor King David, once a shepherd, despised by his father and brothers. David had God's favor /CHESED & is beloved by Jewish people through time, whether religious, spiritual, non-conforming, or agnostic, while Saul is hardly remembered. Read Ps.119 or sections thereof & look at each verse for this pattern: dejection at the successes of evildoers & "how long" should believers wait upon Law/God (for justice ?) See Pe & Tzaddl sections of Ps.119 or verses 129-144: 1. Human trouble, arrogance, or threat 2. Psalmist turns to God's Word (or its substitutes: Law, precepts, testimonies, truth, enduring love or faithfulness). Yes, the self-confidence in our works jar on us who know Jesus as the PERFECT sacrificial Lamb. He's the only Hebrew historical person who fulfilled ALL OLD TESTAMENT laws; Noah, Abraham, Moses, David failed & God punished/chastized them. Google this but enjoy the great parralelisms in Ps.119. PTL

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Date: 8/12/2023 3:36:00 AM
I love when i find or found (during my studies parrallels) between the old and new Testament it is comtforting to know . I wish that Christ would return to mankind and that we were all one faith. How beautiful would that be - im sure you have seen the Messiah on Netflix i have watched it twice and it still moves me. Hopr you are well my good friend if mohammed wont come to the mountain the mountain must come to mohammed - missed your comments my friend. Blessings Jennifer
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Date: 6/22/2023 3:01:00 AM
Hello Anil. Top of the day. I will not pretend I understand your every word because you would know it wouldn't be true. What I do know and understand and always will is this "I can do all things through Christ/God's power." That to me Anil is the golden rule and meaning. Always are you the man of substance. Have a beautiful day now and always. Love and Blessings now and always. And you guess it Shalom Shalom Namaste Namaste now and always (smile smile smile)
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