You're more than that
We're you're together
You're more than mine
or your's forever
We're my and you're's
you're toys for pleasure
Where I and you are
boys for measure
For pride and prose
of love you'll centure
To me and have you
talk to lecture
And make me feel
just like the man
That others wait
for holting fan
And I will see you
dead for sure
When all my power
fills my ruhr
And I will surely
rule you fear
Unless Dear John
dirs I'm am fear
And I must take
to fighting him
But not as I
fear mocking slim
So I can go on
hating you
Though all I do
is wait and stew
Hopeful that I'll be as saved
when that day runs me sacriapay
and I can see you from the Heaven
that I can say your my past revlande
And you will see me taken in
by all the hatred I have been
For all the others I have sinned
And lost my way while they will ginh
And I will say I told you so
I'm betrayed as all you show
And you won't say to me again
Where I go is lost Amen
Copyright © Trevor Mcleod | Year Posted 2022
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