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Prometheus The legendary story is still alive as stupendous force, the fire of the Gods the caring metaphor as source. The warmth of concern on which strength depends, forsaken in these days by commercial happy ever after ends. The genesis of convenience in your hand, modern Gods as enterprise in brand. Which to and fro is the mate of blessings? for everybody’s little confession. The notion of intellect in a symbiotic machine effect, for the suspended suffering by the holy media elect. Infinite attention to the ruler of the brand and applause, to the saviors and admiration in this laborious cause. The business world as clustering sphere, the glorious light, the soothing promise daymare. The multitudinous precious abyss, every child’s escape and bliss. Galaxies of worlds of virtuous desire, everybody is the demi God to steal the fire. Synthetic solution by wifi conclusion, signals wisdom evolution. The visions of the poet is in his dream, filling sunlight rich clouds of inspiration as stream. The echo of delegated wisdom as rapture, so fair, so melodic in rhyme for the mind to capture. The magical image by compassion spoken, words within spheres of love reawaken. The fire of the loving spirit always touches grateful tears, rescuing the mind from exalted fears.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 11/17/2019 6:06:00 AM
Great storytelling and use of words..
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Date: 11/17/2019 5:19:00 AM
Fantastic ballade, Robert. I am not sure which part I liked the best as I liked ALL of it the best.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things