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Prisons of Norway

Sun, moon, stars, and universe are captivations, Scenes, sceneries, lands, landscapes are activations; Like a child, at each lovely scene, I do wonder, Today, to a certain concept, I surrender..! ===== === While third-degree punishments of severe beating, Depriving prisoners - of food, drink; ill-treating: With piercing needles betwixt nail and flesh and nose, Electrocuting; What else? Who exactly knows…? Indian prisons have become hells here on earth. For killing and getting killed within, there's no dearth. Poor imprisoned for the crimes of their rich masters, Die and decay as though natural disasters...! ===== === Prisons of Norway are my captivation, hence. Healing the criminals is in their moral sense; Offenders are offended; why offend them again? Pain is filling them; why, again, inflicting pain...? It's another home for them though they are sinners, Who’s not a sinner? Are all, outside, are winners...? Environs and situations cause persons fall, Isn't, yet, dignity given equal to all...? Healthy food; clean shelter; reliving medicines; Penances and atonements to get rid of their sins; Training for the unfit to fit into this world; Making them, in nature, like flowers to get furled...! Dignity of women, like pearls and gems, preserved, When needed, like remedies, protections reserved; Male chauvinism, like cobras, when rises its hood, Feminism too enters in and does what it should...! ===== === World that believes in cruelty to criminals, Researches on these Norwegian principals; Finds, Lo, herein, are criminal activities - Lesser than other international cities...! 09 October 2022 Captivation Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Julia Ward

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/10/2022 1:32:00 AM
Nice development throughout. And also what we need to know! Elizabeth
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Alex Avatar
Christuraj Alex
Date: 10/10/2022 6:42:00 AM
Thank you very much. May God Bless You!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry