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Pretty Girl Flying Above The Yellow Flowered Fields

Asphalt black gets blacker still In the total calm, sounds disappear Wind gives up the sin of motion Ocean tides know no boundaries Only the pain of waves slapped back Over the top, tippy top of mountains Whispering over times broken spine Step lightly. Feel the darkness there Fill in the crevasses of the demised It is wise to remain in silence Snow rocked slopes grow into boulders Once upon a drift they failed to fall Into sleep, through no fault known And through no fault of their own See gray in a world gone immobile, inert Wonder through the buried concrete slabs Find another tunnel less dug by minors The age of consent is over and done Asphalt black is getting blacker every day In the total calm there is only silence

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/14/2023 8:35:00 AM
Hey Earl I hope you are well, its been a while. I see you are still writing deep poetry..
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