Pretty Face Mud On Her Shoes
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All that glitters is not gold.
Why do some people judge others
By the way that they look
Good looking people are often seen as good
Less fortunate seen as bad
Without reading their book
I once knew a woman with auburn long tresses
And smiling eyes that sparkled and talked
Lips painted rouge
She was no angel
With mud on her shoes
Everyone thought she was beautiful
But she was ugly inside
She lived however she chooses
But she was no angel
And had mud on her shoes
She was a ruthless huntress
After helpless prey
The perused would always lose
She was no angel
And had mud on her shoes
She always thought something was missing
That left her confused
She had everything and more
But she was no angel
And had mud on her shoes.
Copyright © Peter Dome | Year Posted 2024
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