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Presidential Inauguration 2017 - Poetic Screed - Part1

Fast as an atomic banshee, he roils sacred halls of White House clutches levers with brass balls American powers remain unrestrained when he calls Armada to exorcise imagine aery dragons, he inarticulately falls non-communicative, faux eruditely generative, and heartily galls toward this introspective kickstarter male, and most likely others he appalls. ------------------------------------------------- My inner guru hankers to share voice amidst increasing din and clamors in reaction to insidious machinations fin hushed via Machiavellian offal prince, who unleashes clout with Cheshire grin unconcerned about population, chaste, from their wells Fargo wing. * * * * * * * * * * * * Most every citizen banker, and kin stared down vis a vis fierce-some intimations catapult escalating, spin laughing at rigged voting outlook gratefully inflicts populace with monstrous win doomsday soldiers - art of the deal book not writ by said urchin. ------------------------------------------------- Though regularly affiliated with top notch kudos to virtual soapbox platform re: all poetry to express Bing averse toward ill feted Barron settlement of United States government tossed like scotch on thar hocks, thus an uneasy angst also invisibly grabs me by the crotch cuz das Trump power monger, I fear rubric of democracy, he will botch! ------------------------------------------------- This poem alternately titled - harbinger of political debacle wolf find antipode where toxic brew at crack of 12 a.m. January 20th 2017 doth bode doctored pregnant swollen tidal anarchistic military toad deeds sheepishly shape into battalions in tandem - fraternal order of police erode Civilian protesters unite with ordinary citizen bankers crowdsource sing metallic ca clash to goad

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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