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Prejudice For Health

A way of considering life is contrasted with death, Life's regenerative meaning outstanding in positive comparison with endemic indigenous universal multicultural prejudice against degeneration; Preferences for health over disease, trust over active distrust, freedom of life favorably contrasted against stillness of decay. And yet all such contrasts leave unanswered a choice of oppositional uncreative tension, and appositional creative balancing intention, tipping point norms, dipolar centers with bipolar extremes defining and refining medians, means and ways vulnerably and transparently in-between full metaphysical life and physically degenerating death. Left hemisphere dominance defaults to either/or win/lose regenerative or degenerative world view. Healthy right-hemisphere co-passions feel bilaterally balanced win/win prominently multicultural EarthViews with both/and creative tensions, discovering humor in left-hemisphere oxymorons and terror in lose/lose dissociation absence of cooperative co-investment in dominantly regenerating life to recessively degenerate death, Metaphysical win/win intent for physical health and safety and empowering ego-recentering, Ego/Eco co-acclimating bicameral appositions, nuances of mutually appreciative inquiry between secular, physical humanity and sacred, metaphysically organic, EarthTribe Regenerative/degenerative Contextual/individual Eco/ego-intelligence Appositional/oppositional Right/Left polypathic dominance of health/disease safety over dying empowerment over divestment, Win-Win/Win-Lose/Lose-Lose poly-logical experience of ancient DNA-enscribed regenerative sacred/secular intelligence.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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