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Prayer 200:102 Traveling Mercies

I Times when one had right to stop one's Beloved From leaving on a trip, urgent but uncovered For these times. Omicron has made Africa notorious But Level 1 Lockdown prevents me being imperious So, freedom still reigns in my home, we say goodbye Mind flies ahead to the return (Quarantine or Reunite)? II Traveling mercies, LORD, for my Beloved; all who travel Within nations and across them (though UN heard the quarrel) Keep them wise, safe, Covid-free, but otherwise kind Challenges to health and love we've had; when we began to unwind Urgent pleas and chauffeuring arise. Church on Sunday remains The focus of my being and those evangelized. Living to break chains

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 12/4/2021 10:44:00 AM
A lovely piece penned so excellently Anil, good rhyme and flow too. Take care, blessings,Gordon
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Anil Deo
Date: 12/5/2021 6:39:00 AM
Thanks a million Brother in the LORD. It means so much you read this on The LORDS day, or Resurrection Day of the week. shalom, shalom

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