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October 19 Praises to God Bible Meditations Based on Mark 13-14 Key Verse – Mark 13:5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you.
PRAISE BE TO GOD FOR WARNING US AGAINST DECEIVERS Praise be to God for warning us against deceivers with their: Dishonest words Disgraceful ways Disrespectful witness Detrimental worldliness Dysfunctional waywardness Mark 13:32-37 Praise be to the Lord for commanding us to be watchful while: Waiting actively for His arrival Working abundantly by His affirmation Wanting His approval along His assurance Walking against arrogant and apathetic attitude Withdrawing from abominations through His assistance Mark 14:6 Praise be to the Saviour for delighting in our good work wrought on Him: Dearly with dedication by His divine design Diligently with determination to His direction Dutifully with dependence on His driving defense Devotedly with decisiveness through His distinction Determinedly with discipline and discretion from destruction. Amen!
October 19, 2024

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