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Potd Pracial Equity

Oh , how I desire universal, racial equality. Not just forced “liberal” politically imposed. morality. It must spring from each soul, free as a spring flower.! Not forced to swallowed, as a lump of hard coal. Color does not, in anyway make one superior. Conversely., color does not make any human being, inordinately inferior.. Your abilities and intelligence. should be the only qualifications, for a job. Not skin .color, of which the many souls, highly qualified, are indeed, robbed, Even for a poet, such a qualification is a horrid, morbid sin.! It takes morality, and accepting a human, for the skin they were born in! 2/2/2023

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Date: 3/6/2023 12:02:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, You said this very well. Congratulations on the POTD Hugs /Darlene/xxx
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 3/7/2023 10:16:00 AM
Hello Panagiota, Thank you for the lovely complement .For my breakfast i had oatmeal with cranberrieis held me until lunch. Sparkles is napping. I just finished cleaning her litterbox and room. Oh you are welcome It is a lovely tribute poem you created for me. Thank you. Hugs /Darlene/ xxx
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 3/6/2023 1:20:00 PM
Hello dearest Darlene~hope you having a productive day. Had a yummy breakfast. Maris is here working, Irene is looking out the window.she loves that. Thank you for never insulting me in four years and treating me with kindness. Will never ger get the Tribute to Darlene I wrote about you. You are not a sometimes friend. Love, Pangie xx
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 3/6/2023 12:27:00 PM
Hello dearest Darlene~hope you are having a productive day. Had a yummy breakfast. Maria is here working,busily! Irene is looking out the window.she loves that. Thank you for never insulting me in four years and treating me with kindness. Will never reget the “Tribute to Darlene”……I wrote about you. You are not a sometimes friend but a soul sister. Love, Pangie xx
Date: 2/8/2023 10:57:00 PM
just great to read the poem on the theme of Equity and Equality; congrats for being selected the poem as POD
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/9/2023 2:23:00 AM
Thank you so much! I was very surprised it was chosen. Hope to be reading more of you. Panagiota
Date: 2/8/2023 9:43:00 PM
Color and racism are needless criteria for the human species. Only humans can eradicate it's heinous impact. In what lifetime? What race were Adam and Eve? ~;o|
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/9/2023 2:20:00 AM
LOL…great question. I do not know the answer to but will research today These criteria are used widely. Add age! Add ….these days,political status or. even physical ability. And names hurled at them. Panagiota
Date: 2/7/2023 5:37:00 PM
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character - MLK Jr. Congrats on stating this dream in poetry, dear Pangie, and receiving POTD. Hugs ~ John
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/8/2023 1:10:00 AM
Thank you John Pangie
Date: 2/6/2023 4:10:00 AM
Right on, Pangie. Like age is just a number, skin is just a color. Too much racism and too little love. Congratulations on POTD. Love & hugs, Charlie
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/6/2023 6:40:00 AM
Greetings, Charles! What an outstanding comparison Or is is an analogy? Understanding and love go a long way. I thought of age last night. When younger people were hired over me, who had much more experience. Good point. Thank you for visiting and congratulating this novice poet.. Pangie xx
Date: 2/5/2023 8:57:00 AM
Belated congratulations on POTD Panagiota. I have been blessed to have lived and worked in a multicultural environment where respect was inherent. xomo
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Zottola Avatar
Ray Zottola
Date: 2/5/2023 7:11:00 PM
Seems since 2008 we've been reintroduced to racism by the dreams of his father. And you are right. Living in a multicultural environment is healthy until a leader destroys it.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/5/2023 12:05:00 PM
Well, well! How wonderful to see you, Maureen, in earlier comments, I, was born in Chicago was raised in a multi cultural environment, and taught for decades in multi cultural schools.I miss that, here.Respect was natural. Unfortunately, not all are as blessed as you. I need give no examples, very happy to see you, Panagiota xo
Date: 2/4/2023 9:21:00 PM
Congratulations on POTD my friend. Too much this goes on and so on fear . Blessings
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 9:50:00 PM
Hope you are on the road to wellness dearest, Eve, I accept your Congratulations with great joy. You will always be special to me,do know that . There is much good in the world, we don’t need the government horning in . We do need more police, better homes for kids, a respect for each othef(incuding poetry. Meaning report all trolls to Admin!do not take any insult. They need to be removed. Unless, you want your name used to comment like Mine was. So while stopping race wars takes time..protecting others from poetical harm, to me, is a duty not an”if.” All Admin needs is a coy of what happened…Then it’s up to them. A good troll can harn you in unbelievable. ways. It’s like a physical assault t9you and Possibly all your friends here. They follow your friemds . Poetical equity is something you can do something about,they steal your integrity,Pangie xxoo
Date: 2/4/2023 7:36:00 PM
Thank you Pangie, for this. Means a lot. And congratulations on POTD! :)
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 8:45:00 PM
Good evening Fin, a POTD is a good way to know who is on your wavelength))) it is a honor to know it means a lot. I wondered if it would. I think most people are kind, but there are people, sick in the head, who enjoy causing pain. In words or in reality. I think we have little comprehension of the worldwide. violence that happens every day! Thank you again fin, You can calll Pangie or Panagiota Xo
Date: 2/4/2023 6:31:00 PM
Your words carry the weight of history and hope. Well written and felt, it's a testament to the truth that with time, will remove this burden from a lengthy past. Beautiful and timely!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 7:05:00 PM
Hello Timothy it is so nice to have you here was congratulations today answers wonderful worth about a poem. Thank you. I am sure I will be writing about this topic again because deserves more than one time. This is a universal problem since time began. Being truthful with one another in our own circle is a good start. Many cannot even cannot do that! I am grateful to Team Poetry for choosing this poem! Because, as you saw rightly called it, TIMELY. Hope you visit again! Appreciatively,Pangie xo
Date: 2/4/2023 6:23:00 PM
So sad, that color and race divide us. I will never understand those that shout (unity), but never try to unite. Saying you'll be one way and doing the opposite, makes that person a hypocrite. Our World needs prayers, indeed. Your thoughts hold so much truth. Congratulations Panagiota, on Poem of the Day. My best to you. Hugs, Brandy
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 6:53:00 PM
Brandy!! You need a hug and roses from me, As I said last time, you are always at my POTDs and you have the utmost integrity, when it comes to my well-being here. And I will never be able to thank you enough for that! People keeping their word is important to the whole world working. We think oh it doesn’t matter yes it does.we are our words. God and prayers are needed because it seems like, we all do not know where it’s going to end. I do know the world is always blaming someone else from leader from group from person. They need to look at their own character. Gratefully, Pangie xxx
Date: 2/4/2023 6:12:00 PM
Congratulations Pangie on receiving POTD. Racism goes against Gods love for humanity and is unacceptable in this day and age.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 6:44:00 PM
Greetings, Michael! It sure does! I don’t have the exact quote, from the old testament, but God promised to make people of different colors and with different languages so they would not understand each other and learn how to talk and get along. But it was meant as a punishment. I just wrote to someone that it need not be race against race because if you look in Chicago there is 735 murders so far and it’s mostly black on black crime. No white people going to kill Black people or or the other way. My best friend is black and can’t leave her house she’s so terrified and she lives in an all black neighborhood. So, it frightens me to know how many will be killed in various cities. Unreal, was last weeks murder of one then by five police man with EMT’s is watching it.All Should life imprisonment. So, equity applies within races. Thanks for being here. Panagiota xox.
Date: 2/4/2023 4:58:00 PM
You definitely have 'skin' in the game, Sister P! Congrats on POTD! Keep 'em coming. Clarity and Truth, Gershon
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 5:28:00 PM
Excuse goofy typos. Cannot edit today, for some techie reason. Very sorry!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 5:26:00 PM
An honor, my friend to have your wisdom, support and I must say, my back for four years, plenty have have left! I promise to be a poet of courage, first and foremost. The wisdom, …is your department! We all here have special talents. I am proud we both hail from Chicago. In our early days, especially, the best, I wish the best for Chicago. Sister P~ who has a Black Soul Sister on the South Side! And a Black comedy Mentor, Tim Reid of WKRP in Cincinnati. part of the only black and white comedy team in History! MassSpent hours and years with Tim and Tom Dreesen in comedy clubs on our home town.awesome. Hugs, Sister P! Fixed typos, today, Sunday!
Date: 2/4/2023 12:43:00 PM
No room for racism in poetry or indeed any other walk of life Pangie, Back with congratulations on a most admirable POTD, cheers David
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:57:00 PM
Oh, so grateful to see you today, And like others, bigotry is for fools. But played if in the USA to pit us against each other.terrible…. Thank you, Panagiota xo.
Date: 2/4/2023 11:14:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD win. I have had friends from all over the world. It is the person and their heart that counts. Have a great/blessed day writing away............
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:31:00 PM
Me, too! Living in Chicago is an international upbringing. And then, teaching them also San Francisco is an international city, where I taught too. Pangie
Date: 2/4/2023 11:03:00 AM
Hello Panagiota, Congratulations on POTD. I see the person first not the skin color. No matter the skin color people should all get along. Because the blood is the sme color in all of us. Hugs xxx/Darlene/
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 2/4/2023 3:56:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, yes people are the same inside. Your welcome. Hugs. /Darlene/ xxx
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:36:00 PM
In nursing school I saw autopsies. People are the same inside. Amazing colors think they are superior or inferior. Pangie xo.xo. Thank you for being a constant friend since day one.
Date: 2/4/2023 11:01:00 AM
Amen, Pangie! Something we should all bear in mind is that racial...or any other kind of...bigotry is not a one-way street. Congrats on POTD, BTW.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:50:00 PM
Jim e use the reply too ELena. The POTS started doing this, or a troll. Sorry. Never saw this in 4 years. Pangie xo
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:45:00 PM
Elena! Wow! I never think of myself as talented, just do with whatever God gave me. Thank you Pangie xo
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:41:00 PM
Jim! Greetings. Yes it can be a two way street. Thank you. Many times it is not. Pangie xo
Date: 2/4/2023 9:25:00 AM
Congratulations on this POTD! A well written poem. Thank you for continuing to share your creative talents with us.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:47:00 PM
Your reply is under Jim Slaughter’s. Pangie xo.
Date: 2/4/2023 8:44:00 AM
It’s ignorance ~ we look at outer form, nor spirit indwelling. Congrats on POTD for this thought provoking piece of poetry, God bless
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 1:05:00 PM
Good morning and a heartfelt thank you. Having trouble with the POTD site today, edit button not working. We are spirit, mainly. We know it. Bot.. Played for fools by politicians. For shame! Pangie xo.
Date: 2/4/2023 8:38:00 AM
Beautifully expressed dear Pangie! Intelligence and abilities and a respect for other humans are first and foremost . An open heart you have . I wish for all to be able to see behind the veils so that we can love and accept others more fully and appreciate what lies beneath . Hugs and congratulations for your important poem being honored with POTD ! Susan :)
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:18:00 PM
Good day Susan, beautifully expressed. You have a magical way with words, I do envy you. There is no reason to not accept people. If they have set about to harm or embarass you, then they did so as individuals, not as a race! You have such a magnificent heart, add , humility and graciousness. Panagiota xxoo
Date: 2/4/2023 8:30:00 AM
Congratulations on your POTD, Panagiota! Another thoughtful truth shared. Enjoy another special day my friend, Bill
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 12:11:00 PM
Yo, friend, Bill..sorry, had to sleep after writing to Tania I hope your Sara is better, with you caring for her, she must be. Yes, this day is extra special woo Hoo. Panagiota xxoo
Date: 2/4/2023 8:05:00 AM
Pangie, congratulations on POTD!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 8:17:00 AM
Tania, thank you so much. I was typing my response to Alexis, not you, I have no idea how such stuff happens. Though there is an active troll aboard theUSS Poetry.Soup. ..he even used my name to comment to others. I took the appropraiate measures, Have a great week, Panagiota xoxo
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 8:08:00 AM
Hello! I do think,Alexis, we all are honest and fair. Thank you for saying it was well written. Too many evil people spouting evil intentions , but whose motives are not from love or compassion, but simply because they suffer from” I own this block of people and give them certain privileges that others colors don’t have”to get a vote. How disgusting. ,Politicians(some) woukd sell their souls, to get a vote. Some sadly, would sell our country out. People are upset.Shutting down freedom of speech and assembly,over the past three years, has lead to death and hatred. May Americans wake up! We don’t deserve to be invaded nor spied upon by evil Communists….our very lives are at stake, Panagiota xx. And those in power? Do nothing??? Panagiota xxoo
Date: 2/4/2023 7:43:00 AM
Hi Pangie, I agree with the message of this wise and well written poem. Congratulations on getting the poem of the day. It was well deserved. Have a good weekend:-) Alexis
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 8:10:00 AM
Alexis,,my reply is above. X sorry. The POTD site is crazy today, Panagiota
Date: 2/4/2023 7:31:00 AM
Hi Pangie; congratulations! Truth, poetically, wisely spoken. Blessings my friend!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 7:39:00 AM
Good Morning Joe! I do try. To tell it like it is. I don’t try to tell it “like people want to hear it “and I think that aggravates people and I am not …sorry…but that’s who I am, me! And I know that you, are you and I appreciate your truth …thank you, Joe! Panagiota XXO00
Date: 2/4/2023 6:43:00 AM
Back again with congrats, Pangie, for POTD!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 7:11:00 AM
Thanks for coming back. You are a tru blue friend! I appreciate your steadfastness and honor you. Thank you for coming back. Yaaaa! Panagiota xxoo
Date: 2/4/2023 6:42:00 AM
Pangie, congratulations on receiving the POEM OF THE DAY honor, Constance
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 2/4/2023 7:13:00 AM
Hello, Constance. Thank you for your constant support over many years Hugs, Panagiota xxoo

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry