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Populist Politics

When I was sixteen I wanted Robert Kennedy's life, although I didn't know about his time squandered in staffing McCarthyism's Make America as Grotesque as Possible campaign, Which would have given me pause in that comparatively naive age of green longing for peace motherlands where brown and black loves matter, regardless of gender identities. I saw RK as a return to marketing ideas of liberating love, cooperative Earth ownership and compassionate power-management, constitutional principles of democratic interdependence and extra-constitutional GoldenRule nonsectarian faith originally established by heart-felt commitments to well-being promoted by truly vulnerable prosperity muses, prophets, Leaders speaking and writing for healthy wealth of non-violent Earth Enlightenment Eras, later unfolding in frequent bilateral binary phases with non-partisan WorldWide WealthWebs of cooperative networking for healthy vocations, impassioned peace contentment rediscovered inside and outside green sanctuaries. At sixteen, and again at sixty-four, I longed for a Bodhisattva peace-prophet's return to messianically redeem history retroactively back to our original interdependent ZeroZone as seen through 2020 three-hundred and sixty degree revolutions transubstantiating seasonal fractal-reasonal WinWin wave-ranges of positive potential for energy circling democracy bicameral left with loyal right deductive idea predations supporting inductive WinWin holistic positive souls. I thought RK was cooperatively marketing compassionate green ideas mutually held and regarded and not so much selling out to red-blooded cults of extraordinary WinLose ZeroSum ruthless personality. When I was sixty-four, watching Donald Trump and his allied predative Followers, I thought about that earlier green Kennedy populism, more free of Trumpian backlash against ecofeminist liberal love. RightWing populism feels more run of the competing personality mill-storms pumping up over-marketed under-powering fragile narcissistic egos sold out to the biggest and baddest LoseLose lack of Yang-strong ego ideas, cooperative thoughts with yin's flowing commitments toward eco-integrity of interdependent destinies. I suppose the popular RK would have been a more robustly WinWin President than WinLose narcissistic populism could produce back when cynical Richard Nixon became President. But, the older 1960s historic frame hopelessly obfuscates losing economic health behind criminally losing ecological wealth. Nixon's cult of ego-supremacist militia personality, marketing shameless self-worship and his pathological lack of mindful integrity predict Trumpian total loss of authentic transparent ego-investment in anything more deeply patriotic than what profiteers hope to see projected on TV and read about in the best winner-take-and-rape-all newspapers and glossy magazine articles of now fading Nixon infamy. 2020 revision frames bilateral candidates for a black and/or brown green democratic ecofeminism invested in governing with robust WinWin ideas, cooperatively-owned GreenCommons celebrating healthy care givers and wealthy well-being receivers, good faith ecological sanctuary occupiers, civil citizens voting for health giver-balancing-receiver economic principles, not so much violent personality Takers, bad faith narcissists betrayed by their/our own LoseLose political cynicism. Green cooperative ideas return our attention to GoldenRule WinWin deep ego/eco-learning constitutional centers supporting deep learning listening children growing up healthier in green organic families, informed by compassion teachers and peers green-cooperatively owning and managing Earth's democratic energy rooted in eco-centric ideas and not ego-uber personality cults. Ego/eco-balancing cooperatives merge bicamerally polynomial-paradigmatic ZeroZones, Tao-Gaian WholeSystem Hypotheses of information/exfunction-flow reversion, YangLeft with YinRight WinWin nutritional democratic idea optimization. In retrospect, perhaps I saw RK as iconic for effectively marketing economic and politically green healthy democratic resilience rather more cooperatively informed than was his actual sometimes WinWin more health, sometimes WinLose less nutrition, actual ego/eco-conflicting intent. My own now nearly instinctual prominant ego/eco-resonant center recognizes LeftBrain fragmentation of co-arising interdependent choices, preferring integrity phases of circular fractal transportive waves merging full-octave color frequencies flinching from owning predative RightWing anger/fear intent to be fully everyday enchanted by Earth's just-right cooperative inside/outside inductive/deductive creolizing/colonizing eco-mindful/ego-predative right-restorative/left-liberally loving original WinWin co-relational freedom to choose CoOperative ComPassion over marketing competitive populist self-empowerment regardless of Earth-disempowerment consequences.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 2/10/2019 4:54:00 PM
coffee...will be just a moment sir : )
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