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Pondering a Winter Dusk

I ride the bus... Tilt a bit, balance- ponder later. Yolk yellow and sky blue, chalk grey paint. Steel rectangles; winding parallel lines. Circles- Eternal. Toothed horizons- golden rose shaped sunset tauten, its nectar steeps; blushes. Inks gnarled columns of trees, dusky, their limbs webbed crosses open to royal skies like birthing petals, feathery in twilight of Spring. I drive a car... Hyroid barriers. Knavery fears. Strands cut like shards. Glittering. Seamless. Oily image- tints of bereavement- becloud- diabolus gullet. Shock. Cruer pissades through sea blue veins, weaving its course through the body. Left turn, straight. Right turn. Stop. Rotary-circus. Yield. Go. Emblazen. Exit. Sunlight through drops shaking off of Summer green canopies-Diamonds- imortally. Eve, Adam. Male, female- supreme. Insanity. Gods. Brilliancy from inception of star clusters. Time-worn. Creator.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/18/2020 5:10:00 AM
Your poem has some really lovely imagery. I enjoyed it.
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