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Polly Want a Cracker

POLLY WANT A CRACKER?? …and so they play political musical chairs uncostumed clowns scampering about like children, pushing and shoving accusing all of acting like them. Passing electronic notes for all to see while accusing others of “leaking” information. Feigning indignation at the behavior of their adversaries, grandstanding before a shepherdless congress, Milling about the political dog park sniffing and barking leaving a mess for others to clean up after them. Pointing fingers and questioning all but themselves, entrenched in the idiocy of egotism’s swamp. Removed from the realm of reality’s wretchedness they sashay about throwing other peoples coins into the wishing wells of beggar’s dreams. They dine within hearing of the rumbling bellies of the hungry, the shuffling footsteps of the homeless, the emptiness of the addicts desperation, discussing “programs” and “initiatives”, form “committees” to “study” the “problem”. The nation is on the operating table and they, the “doctors” will walk out of the “operating” room for a six week “recess”. Most of those they claim to represent haven’t had “recess” since the fourth grade. And “We the people” put up with it, are responsible for it for we have become a mindless rabble clawing at each other fighting over the table scraps thankful for a band-aid waiting to catch a glimpse of the “Royal Court” and its niggardly“ courtesans. 7/31/2017 submitted to – POLLY IN POLITICS – Poetry Contest

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 8/7/2017 8:31:00 AM
Love the political antics. And the slick read. Great words. Also it's nice to see that someone else has met that old man in their bathroom. It was he who told me to consider that mirror. Thanks mate :)
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Date: 7/31/2017 10:11:00 AM
After centuries of trying it's been proven that man cannot govern himself. It's a continuous mockery of going from bad to worse, and currently to the point of what could be called 'childish' if people weren't being harmed. You've covered the issues very well and creatively in your write, John. Well done!
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