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Polar Bear's Snowball In Hell

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Polar Bear's Snowball in Hell there's ten polar bears sitting on an iceberg a few hundred years from now their big brave eyes scared, resigned conspicuously looking out at the horizon proud once, now sad the setting sun quickly vanishing, ominous their lasting sun shine, darkening their days numbered with condemned walls closing in the writing sad coming to fruition ice rotten life is in the balance teetering, hopelessly the ten polar bear's noses sniff the air like the once proud captain of the titanic the dots connected doom reality sinking in, we're sinking the iceberg keeps floating ten hearts beating out of control like the wayward passengers of the titanic all around the rising sea the iceberg, like a tomb, like the titanic species of fish, seals, walruses, penguins belly up on the surface eyes looking straight up to the skies, dead lips miming as if to ask why the ten polar's bears heart pound harder tears welling in their eyes the iceberg quickly melting the last clutches of their indigenous lands now a snowball in hell their kingdom gone the gates to the other side creaking in two million years or so of polar bear's evolution wiped out, soon giving way to man's ignorance the effects of global warming the Antarctica a once vast wonderland for not for the impending death of the ten polar bears and a species ... die in vain 11/20/17 POLAR BEARS - Poetry Contest

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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