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Poet Who Exhibits Panache Meant

Poet who exhibits panache - meant... to tickle your fancy dear reader rabbit, perchance European G-man double agent regarding the following poem with kick a$$, je ne sais quois ingenious, humorous bent even though reasonable rhyme mebbe worth no mo' than ten cent doth quickly make descent from ridiculous to sublime and/or visa versa poetic event trademark courtesy one sexagenarian formerly fervent nonestablishmentarian long haired pencil necked geeky, dorky, and nerdy January born quirky, Yankee doodling gent. Anyway, as usual I blog alone (today January 25th, 2022) while this Poe whit carries a wish bone but, tis just me and my future self as a *crone that amble along the boulevard, while over head buzzes a sir valence drone blares out an air/ear splitting command courtesy shift shaping mega fone which induces my quietude to groan and find an escape to hone salvation espied by mirage sans a balmy *isotone echoing refrains from Joan E Mitchell, a great Danish dame panhandling for ample *krone so she not forced to borrow money from a loan where her former renown a distant memory, she doth moan as if attacked by a shark, who resembles Jimmy Neutron alias Matthew Scott Harris, who as soon as he dubbed pipsqueak that gave him greenlight to trumpet as firebrand nonestablishmentarian prone to stake out a *quone, while sheepishly at bay astride to the rite, a beast of burden wearing horn rimmed glasses tinted *roan cuz the blinding light shone into the outer limits from azure vault - a shadowy night rogues gallery over a sinister tombstone four after midnight emanating on an eerie, freaky Friday the thirteenth accompanied courtesy frightful monster tone scaring living daylights out the skin of yours truly, who found himself parent trap accentuating, illuminating, undulating the outer limits of twilight zone. *a$$ star risked words valid first to last defined below based on the merits of google: old woman thin and ugly nevertheless all pretty things, she does oogle. 2. any of two or more species of atoms or nuclei with same number of neutrons 3. basic monetary unit of Denmark and Norway, equal to 100 øre. 4. watch "The Stakeout" episode of television series "Seinfeld." 5. denoting an animal, especially a horse or cow, their coat of a main color thickly interspersed with hairs of another color, typically bay, chestnut, or black mixed with white.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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