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Poem With Poem of Day Potential

Poem with Poem of Day Potential or Diet Dilemma Another Enema My poem has much poem of day potential Including having infinity for its exponential And many minds must be really ridiculous That think how awful are all my amaryllis. Now suppose I were to look like a lunatic Because converted computer was catalytic And on surface to put on ions you did try Causing a compound to start and multiply. What if I were to enjoy my own religion And never would ever kill a clay pigeon Truly devoted to each commandment Until to heaven finally had been sent. From the first time that God and I met After seeing me said with deep regret You like nice things neat and nostalgic But become aroused by things angelic. Your future was clearly caste in stone You must be by yourself and left alone Finding fudge you loved definitely divinity You could eat through time until infinity. Was obvious found yourself fat as can be Wings required were as big as a tall tree Can you believe God said until you are thin Return back to earth and be on a diet again. James Thomas Horn, Retired Veteran

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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