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Poem From Scratch

“I don't care what anybody says about me as long as it isn't true.” -Dorothy Parker “Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone” -Dorothy Parker Angels connecting in real live Thinking reflecting and keeping us strive 'Say no to consensuality that's your best quality You've the audibility so keep on your prosody' Always on time Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs I'm... 'Shhhhhhh' with an eye rhyme "That heinous crime" Jumping off the metrics Holy sculls! Writing isn't mathematics Such as friendship Do everything intensively on your trip If you stumble in the footpath It's just a turn on High in raciness No Life Span In the wrath I am You Sylvia Plath Nightmares and Dreams In your life You were anarchical one of a kind my new heteronym named Wolfed Golf because is worth being Virginia Woolf In my paintings: pastels oils pencils and markers Paranoia(s) converter(s) In being a reporter In my disorder sometimes being dark and darker I am you, Mrs Dorothy Parker

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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