It's not that men are totally blind
It's just that we can't see most of the time
Focusing mainly on I, me and don't forget mine
In our mess of a head it's so hard to find
What it is that women really do want
With all of the does along with all of the dont's
Maybe what we really need is a special font
To help us clueless men move right along
In the right direction so we don't have to guess
Then life wouldn't be such a crazy mess
You'd get much more out of us than much more of less
Avoiding much of the misery of your P.M.S.
Now that I being a real man have brought it up
Spilling the wine out of the loving cup
Haven't you heard that idea raised way to much
From most of us men that don't know enough
Well I want you to know that your not alone
P.M.S. once inside tends to grow and grow
Just try your best to let it go
P.M.S. for those not in the know
Is short for Pre Murder Syndrome
Copyright © Mike Hauser | Year Posted 2016
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