Pluto Got the Shaft
I have had this question
That's been bouncing in my head for quite some time
So while I'm at it I just thought
I might as well ask it in rhyme
Out of all the Disney characters
I feel compelled to ask
How come Pluto is the only one
That ended up getting the shaft
Let's start this off with Mickey
Who rules the Magic Kingdom with all of his might
Although with that high squeaky voice
I believe his underwear is notched a tad to tight
Then there's Daisy and Donald
Whom I can barely understand
It still though is quite clear to me
They speak in a language known to man
Poor ole Pluto I wonder
What goes through his mind
While his tongue is lolly gagging
With his tail keeping in time
And what about that Goofy
Who can barely dress himself
That dog carries on conversations
Even when there's no one else
So go ahead I tell you
Take a look at the whole batch
And you tell me that Pluto
Is not the one that got the shaft
While I'm thinking about it
There's the planet Pluto out on the edge
When did we decide to kick it off
Of our planetary ledge
But I digress because it's Disney
To whom I throw this question at
But believe you me it's NASA
Who will be at the center of my next rant
So out of all the questions in my life
That I have ever asked
There is no simple answer to why
Pluto got the shaft
Copyright © Mike Hauser | Year Posted 2016
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