Please, Do You Have Double Vision
Please, Do You Have Double Vision?
My gorgeous body swipes with acceptance my entirety,
Loves my mind, its monumental triumphs and dark corridors,
Liaisons with winds which passion causations of complexity,
Wets my sweated brow with trickles of sweetly scented odours.
This destination is surreal, but i know i have long arrived,
Dazzling with sanity my sense is only murmurous with ache,
But why do sonorous by-passers play the goat contrived?
When i have only the arcane to interact with and myself take.
Do you have double vision too, please sir, please tell me do?
Will you see my invisible disability as nothing at all sometimes?
But upon need, will you follow my hurt wherever it will go,
Just on that odd occasion, when it surfaces and whines?
It may be that i just need that small bit more time and attention,
From that shop assistant or the bus driver who explains things,
Or may be i just require more respected by the health profession,
And not my carers who supposedly can talk for me with grins.
Copyright © Dominique Webb | Year Posted 2016
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