Tired platitudes for the pain to drown,
The bridled tongue will keep the fire bound.
A dose of bromide helps the words go down.
Exalting paupers with a golden crown.
Creating hero’s with exalted sound.
Tired platitudes for the pain to drown.
If our words of truth would be met with frown,
Would we eulogize and then chest proud pound?
“A dose of bromide helps the words go down.”
Embellished sackcloth still an ugly gown.
Vapid faces prefer the truth go round.
Tired platitudes for the pain to drown.
If only flattery we dare be shown,
Could weakling hearts bear the weight of truth found?
A dose of bromide helps the words go down.
When counsel concealed from one who is lown,
For what good cause could such ones be renowned?
Tired platitudes for the pain to drown?
A dose of bromide helps the words go down?
Copyright © MD Johnson | Year Posted 2015
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