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Pitter Patter -The Last Free Sips-

pitter patter goes the rain upon the roofs upon the streets upon the heads of us all walking in the west to our nearest grocery store or convenient store with our common human thirst coming from the daily grind, yet our own exertion here is absolutely nothing like that of the people in the lands far far away, whose resources we have become experts at squeezing every last drop into our cars into our products into our lives & now back into our bodies as we take the last refuge---that very nectar of life which keeps all of us humans trucking here on this planet--- water. as bottled water runs more expensive than gasoline, coca-cola & nestle (to name a couple) start to build “the next empire”---one in which fresh water gets sucked up from wherever it naturally flows & pumped into tankers owned by private companies which will divvy up the goods to the highest bidders in the near future. so to the people of the third world--- whose most valued natural resource, of which whom some walk miles to get every day--- we of the west, we of the 1st world, raise our middle fingers up with both hands in tandem shouting “good luck, suckers! we welcome your business in the future--- be it selling you bottled water or cemetery plots, coffins, urns, and shovels.”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 5/20/2011 7:04:00 PM
@ chris d. aechtner. thanks for taking the time to read my work! thanks for the support too---glad you liked the structure.
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Date: 5/20/2011 7:03:00 PM
@carol brown. thanks for taking the time to read, carol, again, and the best to you on your weekend as well!
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Date: 5/20/2011 10:56:00 AM
Thank you for sharing your special poetry with us today Andrew. Have a wonderful weekend and may you find inspiration to continue your writing along the way. Love, Carol
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