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Pishposh Hodgepodge

The truest of the truthful dukes who chooses to amuse the fuse of the groove to let loose / So soon a bloom that is to loom over any gloom / Forget bigots they’ll never get big like shots or lots / As I’m aloft through the roof of this joint like I smoked your top locks off / It's time to prove a hue of stooge slew anew over the slop and open up shop / This is just my hop to jot through rot like I’m laying sod around the job / Lost a corn cob as I jogged and juiced a hog in marinade across the log / Sogged the mob and their pishposh hodgepodge / Lobbed a rock at her wishy wash lodge she thought she had locked / Got a troth full of suave to unlock and dislodge / As we opt for a broth onslaught to loft all the costs / I mopped the spot of rot sought after by maggots / We hoped not to botch what my hero’s fruition brought us / But a lying jont of stop watch witches forgo wishes and forge a lot unjust / Upped the ante of the pot and ended with no loss just profit / Stunned the evil planning in a trot as we tended to our cause

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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