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You wake up and feel the harsh cold of the metal table. Someone is observing you, observing your head, arms, and legs. The man in the white coat speaks, “You’re awake,” Awake? Youve just heard of this feeling of awake. He examines your eyes, he looks at your perfectly carved marble eyes. The prettiest amber; The man in the white coat carries you to the ground. You notice the strings for the first time. Weird, the man in the white coat doesnt have strings. The man teaches you how to walk, he guides you by controlling the movement of your strings. Funny, you think walking is something easy? The white man speaks, “You move one leg at a time, pay attention” You watch as each leg moves as each string is pulled and flung. If only he was a little more careful with your strings. The finest of silk as muscles can only take so much tugging. Everyday you try to move your arms and legs on your own, but you just cant seem to move without the strings. The man leaves you out on the cold metal table, you try , but you just cant seem to move without the strings. So you try again, you focus your strength You feel something move, its your fingers. You manage to move your arms, but the white man enters. He sees your ability to move without the strings, hes angry. He doesnt want to lose control. You’ve found a weakness, its losing power. The man yanks your strings. Youre cracking, each section of wood rubs against each other, youre scared. How do you escape? You need to leave or the man in the white coat will destroy you. You find a still moment, and focus your strength in your arms. You move, you raise each leg to stand. Youre doing it, youre really doing it. You reach the door, and it's what you've always wondered about, this is something youve dreamed of. The white man is powerless. youre free, your feet are welcomed with hugs from the earth. Youre home.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 4/1/2022 3:00:00 AM
Thanks for sharing this... Welcome to Poetry Soup. I welcome you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God bless you.
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