Pinning the Tail On
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Forever be the only player
in the game with your blindfold off.
Some of our wisest thinkers
focused intently on what
attacked their ideas.
The hunt for truth is not
necessarily confirming
your most loved notions.
Truth always lies
in the reality of nature.
Thinkers study patterns
and only then exceptions.
Then exceptions to the exceptions.
Long attention span
is the key to success.
Very small effects over time
accumulate in vast results.
Variations only show up in crowds.
Seeing the minute steps of success
placed in the proper priority
pins the tail on the donkey.
Free Verse 21 Lines 96 Words
Pen illustration by G. Gaul 2022
Relating to Darwin's theories of
Gradualism and Variation.
And, of course, the child's game of
Pin The Tail On The Donkey.
Copyright © Greg Gaul | Year Posted 2022
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