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Pink Tennis Shoes

PINK TENNIS SHOES I mother always pride galore until the words from daughter abhor. Her gentle heart and loving embrace smashing to pieces. She fell from grace. Her untied tenny shoe, wrapped and tight around her bike, could free no might. Mommy checking faithful each half hour found her daughter helpless, no power. Down the hill mommy went no time was wasting nor was spent. The wind passed threw my long hair locks when shock took over from what I got. Not what I thought from bike I bought but cruelest words, my life distraught. From those lips kissed each night to bed not once, nor twice, but thrice to head. “Hurry up old lady” from my daughter how my heart bleed of tears and water. For no words crueler ever sere spoke. My shame, the horror on face neighborhood folk. My tail between my legs indeed got there, put there by my third bore seed. And mothers day and birthday too three days from now turn 45, BOO-HOO! Never knew my aging beauty fade would be this hard for the lies I’ve made. Lies I’ve told to self each day that children’s love fulfillment may. So on this very special mothers day this “old lady” family f--- off say.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 3/30/2009 8:00:00 AM
i've bee 45 for almost a year. and i accept who and what i am. i feel a bit surprised when the younger generation calls me OG "old gangsta. " but it is a symble of respect. but lets not forget that you being the momma, you are the most loved by all. so from giving you should go to recieving. John Henry Loving III
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Date: 3/16/2009 10:33:00 AM
Congratulation too, and thank you. I saw the tributes belatedly because I am so new, but I enjoy the kindness on poetry soup. You are a great writer of the psychological word, with a special gift. God bless you.
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Date: 3/10/2009 6:00:00 AM
Children are a trial. They are a gift, even trials can be gifts if in weathering the trial you learn. Your primary joy should recide in how you live your own life, with dignity, love, courage; you are an example. The path your child, husband, parent takes is their path; their Karma. Don't let the behavior of others toward you color the image of you. Their behavior only reflects their own inner journey. Light, Love & HUGS
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Date: 3/9/2009 1:29:00 PM
Hi Catherine - You know my wife finds it amazing how well I deal with age I have found peace in my life for the first time and everyday is a blessing regardless of anything else - A Footle is a two line - two syllable poem that was introduced by our fellow poet Brian Strand - I believe it can be on any subject but if you wish to know more you should ask Brian I'm certain he would be more than happy to give you the lowdown - As far as how featured poems are selected I have no idea - God Bless,MJ
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Date: 3/4/2009 3:24:00 PM
Well I'm 66 and what I can't stand is being called Ma'am ... LOL ... Very cute write here and Happy Birthday To You, Catherine.
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Date: 3/3/2009 6:57:00 AM
I really enjoyed this streaming poem I really did :)
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