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Piercing Reality Fires This

There is a higher being one that chooses to speak the truth through us To not believe is a grave disobedience parallel to disobeying the word in the new covenant the circle is complete You must take this wound and cover it for what it's worth as part of the whole body inflicted and injured because healing comes from the charity forgiving praying For those poor blind souls lost to the world they need to rise above their human weaknesses in the end it boils down too whom do you serve I felt the blade enter cutting deeper than the bone The lies need to be stopped and exposed at what table would a character sit one side supports division by ruthless measures the other peace and unity There is a sadness about betrayal it never comes from our enemies this bar is set high because what is rotten corrupts the very fruit with poisonous lies the apple will always fall for the temptations as gravity pulls against the force the window of the soul reflects how the heart operates

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 4/20/2022 4:12:00 AM
So good to read your poetry once again, forgotten how intensely good it is, hope you have been keeping well, love and light Vie
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