photographs and memories
photographs and memories
as i search photographs and memories
of gulls flying over ocean waves
i can hear the crashing waters raging
as if it was only yesterday
these same waves are no longer there
yet others have taken their place
slapping rocks then returning to the air
it has always been the case
i’m sorry to say many birds are gone
and flown to where old seagulls go
yet on their journey home
they posed for a shot only i would know
so with my camera I took photographs
and now I hold them as memories
each last flight became an epitaph
to be held in my mind’s gallery
life is a cycle for gulls and waves
all things plant and life will know an hour
each has an appointed time, a chosen day
yet each, in its own way, lived with a given power
© tolbert
Copyright © wayne tolbert | Year Posted 2025
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