Have you ever seen a tear in a dogs eye
afraid to wag his tail hoping you have a good side
it's tail bent low and tucked to their underside
the hurt in their eyes as they try to confide
A cat or a kitten who has been beaten
will take years to trust it's soul so weaken
it will stay hidden in the blackest of shadows
afraid to eat it's life a sad ghetto
The abuse they have endured is beyond this world
yet they will still try to love you wanting praise not scorn
even when their little bodies have been broken and torn
on the streets they wonder seeking only warmth
Get up close and look into their eyes
you will see the tears that do not slide
but a broken heart from inside that cries
we gave them a name so please be humane
Please take care of me
Even if I don't understand
Touch me with a gentle hand
T Reams 8/16/15 copyright
Dedicated to the best groomer in the world who has a heart of gold for all her furry
friends- Dede
Copyright © Tammy Reams | Year Posted 2015
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