People Watching
I’m a people watcher
A thing I instinctively do
Please don’t take offence
If you see me watching you
Walking, such a common thing
We do every single day
But so many people seem
To do it in their own way.
That attractive young girl
With the swinging hips
And the dazzling smile that
Could launch a thousand ships
The entwined couple in
A world of their own
Listening to music
From a shared iPhone
The grizzled veteran
In some mental despair
That he’s not as erect as
When on the drill square
The teen slouching along
With his dragging feet
Being quickly passed by
A bouncy stepped athlete.
Walking, a common thing
We do every single day
Yet many of us seem
To do it our own way
And People Watching is
A habit so compulsive
Fascinating, rewarding,
And immensely instructive,
Copyright © Terry Ireland | Year Posted 2024
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