People Leaving Home
>All poets scribes of verse on here. This rhyme does not mean you, please don't fear. But if it did, as was accepted in your group, you could strike me from this poetic soup.
Trouble is brewing for the EU
Although I speak of days to come.
What's happening now is not much fun.
Refugees flooding to the EU.
From Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and Africa too.
Some are genuine refugees, of sorts.
Although traveled through many ports.
Not to that next country by their own.
No further through the world they roamed.
A woman in Germany welcomed a lot.
Not expecting such numbers, she got.
Numbers slowing did not show.
Thousands more joined in the flow.
As refugees wandered here and there.
Panic began in the EU there.
Fences were raised, borders closed.
Countries treated refugees as foes.
I guess with all them young, fit men there.
Some might be. IS. So that's quite fair.
But EU cannot cope with what they've got.
When Turkey joins the EU refugees will not stop.
As people there will flood out.
Then the EU must watch out.
Not in thousands will they come.
But in millions more than one.
Free borders are what they are about.
So can spread their tentacles out.
EU can't cope with what they've got.
Just wait for Turkey. Then, will not.
I hope GB is free. By then.
Remember, you heard it from my pen.
As I lay writing in my sick bed.
All these words from in my head.
And on that note, please don't peep.
As now I'm trying to fall asleep.
And when I wake, and look about.
I hope I can, and still have clout.
To write whatever I want too.
And hopefully poets here can too.
Good night. Farewell, that's all from me.
I know you're pleased that I can see.
(The mad author)
BBC radio and television are engaging our minds on other things, rather than the referendum. I'm sure it's a government ploy to stop us discussing our in or out decision, one we soon must make.
Locally we are discussing a prickly subject of making a walkway for hedgehogs throughout everyone's garden.
Nationally, we are speaking of a tennis player accused of taking drugs, whilst she was under her doctors care and medication.
I wonder what else will be introduced to occupy our energies. In the meantime, politicians are calling each other names again. Which reminds me of the saying, sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
Hospital tomorrow, for the results of a CT scan. Wish me luck. God bless. (The mad author)<
Copyright © Stanley Harris | Year Posted 2016
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