Penny For Your Thoughts
It all started that one autumn evening
Wind blowing by my hair and tree leaves rustling
Echoing over my warm laughter
With yours blending in.
As the tinge of sunset hues reflected in your eyes
Like they did in mine
Perhaps I should've said it then
Or maybe after we left the ice-cream parlor
Or the cinema, the internet café,
The restaurant or even the amusement park
I guess you noticed
But again you couldn't possibly have.
I'd trade it all for you
For memories that would never grow old like autumn trees
I'd love to relive all our moments.
Guess I really should've said it
Maybe I'd still be making photocards with you under the warm sunlight gaze
Its now winter
My nights are longer and my heart is colder
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder
But perhaps my string of fate isn't tied to yours
If I'd said then that the one thing I can't trade
Is my reality for yours
Maybe, just maybe
I'd have someone as sweet as you to ask me
"Penny for your thoughts?"
Copyright © alittle rain | Year Posted 2023
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