Pennsylvania Panic
~Pennsylvania Panic~
He was shot, and could have been dead.
I saw the red blood running down his head.
I only could think of his tall and handsome son of eighteen.
Whose emotions were anything but joyous nor mystically serene.
I was alive when both Kennedys were kiiled.
I saw the floor upon which RFK’s crimson
blood had spilled.
Yes and I thought of the late Martin Luther
King, was killed but his dream, a American star that thrilled!
This is a great country and we refuse to be undone.
True Americans know it is so and was not formed for a short run.
This Judaeo- Christian Republic’s dome shines high in DC on a hill!
To forever serve…America’s law-abiding ones!
7/25/2024 poem 3
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2024
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