Peace on Earth
A wondrous star is shining the Magi to beguile.
And how the world is pining for a little child.
A hush falls o’er a stable that doesn’t last for long.
For all hearts that are able should break into joyous song…
Our God is come from heaven, now Mary’s given birth.
And angels way up in the sky sing, “Peace on earth!”
“Peace on earth!”
The world in wonder waiting a child to be born.
So long anticipating and now this holy morn.
Our God from heaven reigning before the world began
Now in a manger laying come unto us as Man.
Our God is come from heaven, now Mary’s given birth.
And angels way up in the sky sing, “Peace on earth!”
“Peace on earth!”
The wondrous star, still beaming, the herald of this birth.
A life all life redeeming, a Babe beyond all worth.
And shepherds from the fields and Magi from the East
Before Him come to kneel, the Greatest come as least.
Our God is come from heaven, now Mary’s given birth.
And angels way up in the sky sing, “Peace on earth!”
“Peace on earth!”
This world of sin and sorrow needs Him now as then.
So pray that some tomorrow He will come back again.
A wondrous star appearing, foretelling His return.
That we might soon be hearing the song for which we yearn…
Our God is come from heaven, now Mary’s given birth.
And angels way up in the sky sing, “Peace on earth!”
“Peace on earth!”
Copyright © Stephen Tefft | Year Posted 2024
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