PC' Political Correct
People with choice they call freedom
What once was now history past
Breaking down of society cold war fought
New gen, feelings hurt as truth hidden
Speak no words that they offend the obvious
No longer mankind, words we fail to live
PC (Political Correct) we watch world's dissolve
We dare to speak of reality realistic
Condemned all that we believe in ourselves
That we are wrong, not to fall weakness
Society ways and sin I do not deny
I turn eyes, unable to run from lie's
We, the racist ones ridicule
Because we are not like them I stand
Different man not of woman am I to be
I, the fallen victim of society doing
It's they who are racist a statue falls
Blacks oppressed, even bird name offends
Ones heart not pure that hatred lives
Behind fake smile, closed door person exist
South, a target when all world is guilty
The same as others, still a slave in conviction
But the flag you fly, guilty be price of freedom
PC (Political Correct) control, gun's, want your soul
God's denied, big bang reason of existence
Not chicken before the egg we decide
Upon ourselves, theory of opinion is pushed
Not all that we was built or created
But optimistic belief to falsely accuse truth
We condemn thee, you do not side with world
But cause you are against the world you are not correct
Copyright © Steve Harvell | Year Posted 2024
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