Paying With a Million Dollar Bill
Paying With a Million Dollar Bill
By Elton Camp
(This is absolutely a true story. Google it and see if you think not.)
In North Carolina, a man went to Wal-Mart for a deal
To make payment, he gave a million dollar bill as real
When the cashier, in disbelief, commenced to protest,
Customer, “Give my change if you know what’s best.”
Why, that fellow would have had to be just a total jerk
For there was absolutely no way that trick could work
Even if the cashier it had proved possible to deceive,
The register held change for a million, who’d believe?
Very soon the cops arrived and ushered him out the door
Manager said, “Don’t you ever try to shop here anymore.”
Now the customer two serious felonies has to face
Is likely to be sent to prison in ignominious disgrace
The hundred dollar bill is the largest note in existence
To present one for a million was a foolish insistence
Copyright © Elton Camp | Year Posted 2012
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