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Pause Between Thinking and Speaking

A slight pause is taken between a thought and the words that I speak from my heart for words often rendered in too much haste are frowned upon with wary looks of distaste I have to admit that it's a voluntary action Once my words are out, there's no retraction Much too easily thoughts flow from my mouth Things go downhill from there, heading south Sometimes I don't stop myself right away then find I'm caught in the middle of a fray Being brutally honest doesn't always work when it causes people to think I'm a jerk. Enlightenment on the issue, I should seek before I extemporize an ineffectual critique Tempering my tongue is a work in progress It still gets me into trouble, I will confess. I really shouldn't say what comes to my mind without considering someone may be maligned. I need to consider how others will be affected, and that their feelings should be respected. Poorly worded phrases can destroy one's esteem and tear apart someone's long awaited dream Never would I intentionally say something unkind so, to pause before I speak, I have become resigned. My thoughts are whispers, merely a breath away from what I should or perhaps should never say before my tongue takes wing like a bird in flight releasing words that could cause grief and smite. Reflecting before I speak my thoughts out loud is what I must do. To this I've solemnly avowed. I will try not to make another emotional outburst of what I can't take back. I will think about it first. November 23, 2022 Just before release Contest Sponsored by Unseeking Seeker

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/28/2022 8:06:00 PM
Wow! Congrats! Thanks for sharing this... wisdom poetically expressed. God bless you.
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Date: 11/28/2022 2:36:00 PM
Wow, that's incredible! You have done a wonderful job of conveying the beauty of your poem. Jenna, I am very happy for you and your incredible achievement.
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Date: 11/28/2022 2:11:00 PM
Wonderful take on the theme Jenna - words spoken can never be retrieved. Thank you for sharing this wisdom and reminding us to put our minds in gear before opening our mouths! It is a gift! Congratulations. Blessings!
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Date: 11/28/2022 6:20:00 AM
What a release! Congratulations!
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Jenna Logan
Date: 11/28/2022 9:42:00 AM
Thank you very much, Chris.
Date: 11/27/2022 8:26:00 PM
Great counsel, Jenna ~ requires us to be in a constant state of mindful awareness, distilling each thought in the cauldron of love, before its release. Warmest congratulations on your win
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Jenna Logan
Date: 11/28/2022 9:42:00 AM
Thanks ever so much for finding my lines worthy of a place on your winning list, Seeker.
Date: 11/27/2022 4:25:00 PM
So well expressed and thoroughly thought Jenna Show's that you are at least capable of thinking and processing. If we over think everything and initially never vocalized Would we ever say anything at all And who is to say you are not right just because other's don't like or agree with what you have to say
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Jenna Logan
Date: 11/27/2022 6:13:00 PM
I wholeheartedly agree with you, Christopher. If only poets would read them. Thanks ever so much.
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Christopher Flaherty
Date: 11/27/2022 4:29:00 PM
Personally I think some of the very best writer's on the soup May not have the most views or recieve that many comments But they are definitely the most engaging or talented
Date: 11/23/2022 7:52:00 PM
The tongue is a small but terrible rudder leading to rocky coastline debacles. Beware, as your poem magically suggests, and take the proactive stance of a Saint. Contest winner, no doubt, but better than that, a human winner, JL. ~;o)
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Jenna Logan
Date: 11/24/2022 2:52:00 AM
I appreciate your kind words of encouragement, Arlo. Thanks so much.
Date: 11/23/2022 3:17:00 PM
I find it best to fire a warning shot across the bow if disrespected, then come what may! we all have different ways of dealing with provocation, your a feisty creature who stands her ground, and this soup is lucky to have you around just as you are, I know your poem is aspirational Jenna, and wish you all the best in a tricky contest, cheers David
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Jenna Logan
Date: 11/23/2022 7:05:00 PM
You have very good insight into the “creature” I am. Your comments are always sincere and I appreciate that about about you. I really don’t know if my lines are the slightest bit close to what Seeker requires but they are what I conceived.
Date: 11/23/2022 11:54:00 AM
Excellent, Jenna. I know I am guilty of much that you write about here. Your thoughts are well-taken and well-expressed. BofL in the contest.
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Jenna Logan
Date: 11/23/2022 12:19:00 PM
Thanks for your good luck wishes and your welcomed comments, Milt.
Date: 11/23/2022 11:48:00 AM
Think we're all guilty sometimes of opening our mouth before engaging our brain, like you say Jenna, once it's out there's no taking it back. Best of luck in the contest. Tom
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Jenna Logan
Date: 11/23/2022 12:19:00 PM
Yes, Tom. Blurting is never a good idea. Thanks for the contest wishes.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry