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Past Anger Issues

The older I get the less that I fret With my panties wadded up in a tizzy As anyone could see I used to be A mini-me of Dizzy Gillespie I'd huff and I'd puff when I'd had enough Like some Big Bad Wolf in a fable Then let it all fly as the steam in me would rise Right on time, here comes Old Faithful No one hanging around at the bubbling sound As it came close to the rim No need to wait for the show, see you later gotta go Afraid by flying debris they'd be hit Thankfully those years are long gone as I've learned to calm down Although I still have my moments My family looks at me quite suspiciously When I turn on the news at 6

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 8/26/2017 8:12:00 AM
Glad your able to manage anger issues better these days; I think a lot of us (including me) have to count to ten instead of going off the deep end and exploding like a volcano which makes things worse! Nice creative down to earth poem Mike!~Che :) PS Didn't know Dizzy Gillespie had a bad temper :)
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Hauser  Avatar
Mike Hauser
Date: 8/26/2017 8:41:00 AM
Don't think Dizzy had an issue... He just puffed his cheeks out like his head was going to blow.. And it rhymed with tizzy! Lol!

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