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Parking Lot War

I'm in a hurry and can't be late, but for a closer space I'll wait. Around and around I slowly go, a closer space is sure to show. I see some tail lights start to glow but it is in another row. I must hurry and not delay. I hit the gas...I'm on my way. Victory will soon be mine, instead I slam my brakes on just in time. Don't these people crossing know that I should be the first to go. I honk my horn and wave my hand. They don't seem to understand. A closer space will save me time, but now again I wait in line. P.R.Deremer

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 8/2/2015 1:34:00 PM
Very funny expose on human nature. We generally park as far from the stores (with big lots) as possible and enjoy the walk. The only problem is the other drivers who have no respect for us while we are walking. Pedestrians and drivers have no sympathy for each other--I get it.
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Pam Deremer
Date: 8/2/2015 1:50:00 PM
I agree. I've seen numerous times people almost getting hit. I once got bumped by a car backing up in a hurry and not looking.
Date: 7/30/2015 9:10:00 PM
Boy talk about hitting the nail on the head! They should post this poem in all the Walmart parking lots! Good job!
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Date: 7/30/2015 2:32:00 PM
Beautiful and relevant! Made me smile.
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Pam Deremer
Date: 8/2/2015 1:47:00 PM
Thank you.
Date: 7/29/2015 9:40:00 AM
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